Package pyffi :: Package utils :: Module mathutils
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Module mathutils

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A lightweight library for common vector and matrix operations.
Functions [hide private]
Convert float to integer, rounding and handling nan and inf gracefully.
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Calculate bounding box (pair of vectors with minimum and maximum coordinates).
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Calculate center and radius of given list of vectors.
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vecSub(vec1, vec2)
Vector substraction.
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vecAdd(vec1, vec2) source code
vecscalarMul(vec, scalar) source code
vecDotProduct(vec1, vec2)
The vector dot product (any dimension).
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vecDistance(vec1, vec2)
Return distance between two vectors (any dimension).
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vecNormal(vec1, vec2, vec3)
Returns a vector that is orthogonal on C{triangle}.
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vecDistanceAxis(axis, vec)
Return distance between the axis spanned by axis[0] and axis[1] and the vector v, in 3 dimensions.
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vecDistanceTriangle(triangle, vert)
Return (signed) distance between the plane spanned by triangle[0], triangle[1], and triange[2], and the vector v, in 3 dimensions.
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Norm of a vector (any dimension).
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Normalized version of a vector (any dimension).
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vecCrossProduct(vec1, vec2)
The vector cross product (in 3d).
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Return the transposed of a nxn matrix.
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matscalarMul(mat, scalar)
Return matrix * scalar.
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matvecMul(mat, vec)
Return matrix * vector.
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matMul(mat1, mat2)
Return matrix * matrix.
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matAdd(mat1, mat2)
Return matrix + matrix.
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matSub(mat1, mat2)
Return matrix - matrix.
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matCofactor(mat, i, j) source code
Calculate determinant.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pyffi.utils'
Function Details [hide private]

vecDistanceAxis(axis, vec)

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Return distance between the axis spanned by axis[0] and axis[1] and the vector v, in 3 dimensions. Raises ZeroDivisionError if the axis points coincide.

>>> vecDistanceAxis([(0,0,0), (0,0,1)], (0,3.5,0))
>>> vecDistanceAxis([(0,0,0), (1,1,1)], (0,1,0.5)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS