Package pyffi :: Package spells :: Package nif :: Module optimize :: Class SpellCleanRefLists
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Class SpellCleanRefLists

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object --+        
     Spell --+    
      NifSpell --+

Remove empty and duplicate entries in reference lists.
Instance Methods [hide private]
This is called after pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data.inspect has been called, and before is called.
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Called before all blocks are recursed.
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branchinspect(self, branch)
Like _branchinspect, but for customization: can be overridden to perform an extra inspection (the default implementation always returns True).
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cleanreflist(self, reflist, category)
Return a cleaned copy of the given list of references.
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branchentry(self, branch)
Cast the spell on the given branch.
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Inherited from NifSpell: inspectblocktype

Inherited from NifSpell (private): _datainspect

Inherited from Spell: __init__, branchexit, dataexit, recurse

Inherited from Spell (private): _branchinspect

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from Spell: get_toast_stream, toastentry, toastexit

Class Variables [hide private]
  SPELLNAME = 'opt_cleanreflists'
A str describing how to refer to the spell from the command line.
  READONLY = False
A bool which determines whether the spell is read only or not.

Inherited from Spell: changed, data, stream, toaster

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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This is called after pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data.inspect has been called, and before is called. Override this function for customization.
Returns: bool
True if the file must be processed, False otherwise.
Overrides: Spell.datainspect
(inherited documentation)


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Called before all blocks are recursed. The default implementation simply returns True. You can access the data via data, and unlike in the datainspect method, the full file has been processed at this stage.

Typically, you will override this function to perform a global operation on the file data.

Returns: bool
True if the children must be processed, False otherwise.
Overrides: Spell.dataentry
(inherited documentation)

branchinspect(self, branch)

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Like _branchinspect, but for customization: can be overridden to perform an extra inspection (the default implementation always returns True).
  • branch - The branch to check.
Returns: bool
True if the branch must be processed, False otherwise.
Overrides: Spell.branchinspect
(inherited documentation)

branchentry(self, branch)

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Cast the spell on the given branch. First called with branch equal to data's children, then the grandchildren, and so on. The default implementation simply returns True.

Typically, you will override this function to perform an operation on a particular block type and/or to stop recursion at particular block types.

  • branch - The branch to cast the spell on.
Returns: bool
True if the children must be processed, False otherwise.
Overrides: Spell.branchentry
(inherited documentation)