Package pyffi :: Package object_models :: Module binary_type :: Class UShortType
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class UShortType

source code

            object --+                        
utils.graph.DetailNode --+                    
          any_type.AnyType --+                
        simple_type.SimpleType --+            
            object --+           |            
                     |           |            
utils.graph.DetailNode --+       |            
                         |       |            
          any_type.AnyType --+   |            
                             |   |            
                    BinaryType --+            
                  BinarySimpleType --+        
                    object --+       |        
                             |       |        
         editable.EditableBase --+   |        
                                 |   |        
          editable.EditableSpinBox --+        
                               IntType --+    
                                  UIntType --+

Implementation of a 16-bit unsigned integer type.
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from simple_type.SimpleType: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from IntType: __init__, get_editor_maximum, get_editor_minimum, get_size, read, set_value, write

Inherited from simple_type.SimpleType: __str__, get_detail_display, get_value, is_interchangeable

Inherited from any_type.AnyType: __hash__

Inherited from utils.graph.DetailNode: get_detail_child_edge_types, get_detail_child_names, get_detail_child_nodes, get_detail_iterator, replace_global_node

Inherited from editable.EditableSpinBox: get_editor_value, set_editor_value

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _min = 0
Minimum value.
  _max = 65535
Maximum value.
  _struct = 'H'
Character used to represent type in struct.
  _size = 2
Number of bytes.

Inherited from simple_type.SimpleType (private): _value

Properties [hide private]
A property which wraps the actual data.

Inherited from object: __class__

Property Details [hide private]


A property which wraps the actual data. This property always calls set_value to assign the value, and ensures that the value is valid (type, range, ...). Unless you know what you are doing, always use the value property to change the data.
Get Method:
unreachable.get_value(self) - Return the stored value.
Set Method:
unreachable.set_value(self, value) - Set value to C{value}.