pyffi :: formats :: kfm :: KfmFormat :: Class KfmFormat :: Class Header
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Header

source code

                  object --+                
      utils.graph.DetailNode --+            
          utils.graph.GlobalNode --+        
object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase --+    
                       KfmFormat._Header --+
                      object --+           |
                               |           |
          utils.graph.DetailNode --+       |
                                   |       |
              utils.graph.GlobalNode --+   |
                                       |   |
           object_models.FileFormat.Data --+

A class to contain the actual kfm data.
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
inspect(self, stream)
Quick heuristic check if stream contains KFM data, by looking at the first 64 bytes.
source code
read(self, stream)
Read a kfm file.
source code
write(self, stream)
Write a kfm file.
source code
get_global_child_nodes(self, edge_filter=(True, True))
Generator which yields all children of this item in the global view, of given edge type (default is edges of type 0).
source code
Display the nif file name.
source code

Inherited from object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase: __init__, __str__, deepcopy, fix_links, get_attribute, get_basic_attribute, get_detail_child_names, get_detail_child_nodes, get_hash, get_links, get_refs, get_size, get_strings, get_template_attribute, replace_global_node, set_attribute, set_basic_attribute, set_template_attribute, tree

Inherited from utils.graph.GlobalNode: get_global_child_edge_types, get_global_iterator

Inherited from utils.graph.DetailNode: get_detail_child_edge_types, get_detail_display, get_detail_iterator

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase: get_games, get_versions

Class Variables [hide private]
  version = 16927488
Version of the data.
  _attribute_list = [<pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute ob...

Inherited from _Header (private): _attrs, _has_links, _has_refs, _has_strings, _names

Inherited from object_models.xml.struct_.StructBase: arg

Inherited from object_models.FileFormat.Data: user_version

Inherited from object_models.FileFormat.Data (private): _byte_order

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from _Header: animations, header_string, master, nif_file_name, num_animations, text_string, unknown_byte, unknown_float_1, unknown_float_2, unknown_int, unknown_int_1, unknown_int_2

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

inspect(self, stream)

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Quick heuristic check if stream contains KFM data, by looking at the first 64 bytes. Sets version and reads header string.
  • stream (file) - The stream to inspect.
True if stream is of particular format, False otherwise.
Overrides: object_models.FileFormat.Data.inspect

read(self, stream)

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Read a kfm file.
  • stream (file) - The stream from which to read.

write(self, stream)

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Write a kfm file.
  • stream (file) - The stream to which to write.
Overrides: object_models.FileFormat.Data.write

get_global_child_nodes(self, edge_filter=(True, True))

source code 

Generator which yields all children of this item in the global view, of given edge type (default is edges of type 0).

Override this method.

Generator for global node children.
Overrides: utils.graph.GlobalNode.get_global_child_nodes
(inherited documentation)


source code 
Display the nif file name.
A string.
Overrides: utils.graph.GlobalNode.get_global_display

Class Variable Details [hide private]


[<pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x2529690>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x25296d0>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x2529750>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x2529790>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x25297d0>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x2529810>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x2529850>,
 <pyffi.object_models.xml.StructAttribute object at 0x25298d0>,